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Campus Information

Growing Graduates

Hello and welcome to the Midway Alternative High School campus information page.

Midway Alternative High School is the school of choice or Alternative Education Program (AEP). Students attending Midway have chosen to attend the school. The school is 100% at-risk students and provides alternative learning opportunities for junior or senior students from either Randall High School or Canyon High School.  Four core composite certified teachers are staffed at Midway along with two half-time composite certified instructors. A computer lab provides additional instruction for students needing electives. The majority of students attend four hours daily with an academic course load of four courses. The majority of students are able to complete their course work in 2/3 to 3/4 of the time needed in traditional high schools.

Student failure is not an option at Midway. Students will complete and/or rework assignments until they are at an acceptable level to turn in. The goal at Midway is to provide positive student relationships and student graduation. Students will have the opportunity to participate in either a Fall or Spring Midway graduation ceremony depending upon when they graduate.

We want your students to graduate. It is our mission. Sometimes, the typical classroom is not the type of learning a student needs. Give us a call at 677-2455 and let us help your junior or senior graduate.

S. Neeley
(806) 677-2455